Weight Loss / Lifestyle Coaching

Weight Loss / Lifestyle Coaching

Do you want to lose some weight but have difficulty knowing what to do or how to be successful?  Especially in a permanent way?  Maybe you lost some weight but then gained it back.  This is painful.  Because you believe the diet you are on is working but then suddenly it isn’t working anymore.  Maybe it feels unsustainable.  Maybe you feel like you can’t stick to it, and this can result in feelings of failure.  Also, very painful!

Perhaps you find yourself scanning all the weight loss programs and products out there and wondering if one of these “solutions” will work for you.  But if you have already tried so many of them, and they didn’t work, it is easy to feel hopeless.  Feelings of hopelessness are also painful.

You might have heard that diets don’t work.  Still, you find yourself looking at the next diet and wondering, can it work for me?

I’m going to encourage you to put away all the diets, pills and potions and begin to look at how you can achieve permanent weight loss through a change in your lifestyle.

Lifestyle transformation is truly the only effective way to lose weight, and this is why.  If you keep doing what you have always done, you will continue to get what you always got.  This is the definition of insanity.

If you want a different result, you will need to do things differently.  You will need to not go on a diet but change your diet.  This means that once you begin to have results you don’t go back to the way you always ate.  Because you know that the way you always ate is the reason you are currently where you are.

In my weight loss coaching program, I help people to transform their lifestyle, through a proven system where they reach their weight loss goals, get healthier and have powerful, lasting results in their lives. 

A change in lifestyle makes you feel good about yourself.  You feel proud and accomplished.  It is probably what you have always wanted to do, really, but didn’t have the strength or willpower to do it on your own.

weight loss coachingI’ve heard people say they wish they could eat whatever they wanted and still lose weight.

Although my proven weight loss coaching system doesn’t stop you from having some of your favorite forbidden food, it is more geared towards helping you to enjoy and love new favorite foods that will give you the results you want, not temporarily, but permanently.

Results are permanent because you are not going off your diet.  You are creating a diet and lifestyle that you love enough to stick to it.  And if you don’t stick to it, for any reason, your failure flags don’t kick in and cause you to give up and go back to destructive eating habits.

weight loss coachingWe don’t expect perfection.  Perfection is unrealistic.  This is why we focus on progress, not perfection.  When you can see progress, it motivates you to continue the journey.  But when you expect perfection from yourself, and you fall short of the expected perfection, you are likely to just throw in the towel, and give up on yourself.

We don’t want you to give up on yourself.  We want you to commit to yourself, learn to really care about yourself, love yourself, and trust yourself.  These are the building blocks to making a lifestyle transformation.  When you achieve your goals, you are no longer the same person you were when you started.  You have a new attitude and a powerful new relationship with yourself.

If you want to learn more about how this proven system can work for you, keep reading.